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Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra Review: High-End, Feature-Packed

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra Review: High-End, Feature-PackedScore 90%Score 90%
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Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra
Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is a premium robot vacuum that offers advanced features like sonic mopping technology, a self-emptying dock, intelligent navigation, and multi-level mapping. Its ability to vacuum and mop, along with its Wi-Fi connectivity and smart home integration, make it a highly efficient and convenient cleaning solution. Despite its high price point, its superior performance and hands-off maintenance make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a high-end cleaning device.

Product Brand: Roborock

Editor's Rating:


  • Sonic Mopping Technology: The device uses sonic vibration technology for mopping, delivering a scrubbing motion up to 3,000 times per minute. This effectively removes ground-in dirt and stains.
  • Self-Emptying Dock: The dock automatically empties the robot vacuum's dust canister and water tank, reducing the frequency of maintenance. It also cleans the mopping pads and refills the water tank.
  • Intelligent Navigation and Mapping: Equipped with a LiDAR scanner and a built-in camera, the device navigates efficiently around your home, avoiding obstacles and ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • App Control and Smart Home Integration: The Roborock app offers a range of features and settings, and the device is also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control.
  • Auto Carpet Boost: The device automatically increases suction power when cleaning carpets, ensuring a deeper clean without manual adjustment.


  • Price: The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is one of the most expensive robot vacuums on the market, which may not be affordable for all consumers.
  • Size: The device is taller than some of its competitors, which may limit its ability to clean under certain pieces of furniture.
  • Dock Size: The self-emptying dock is quite bulky, which could be a problem for those with limited space.
  • Noise: While the device is quiet during operation, noise levels rise significantly when it docks and empties its dust canister and water tank.
  • Limited Advanced Features for Android Users: Some advanced features, such as the ability to create a matrix map, are only available to those using the robot vacuum with an iPhone 12 or above.
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The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is a powerful robot vacuum that has been designed to provide a hands-off cleaning experience. It is capable of vacuuming and mopping, and it comes with a self-emptying base station that can also clean the mopping pads, refill the water tank, and empty the dust canister. This feature significantly reduces the level of maintenance required, making it a convenient choice for busy homeowners.

If you would like to see more Robot Vacuum choices, check out our Top 10 Robot Vacuum Buying Guide.

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The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra sports a circular shape and is equipped with a LiDAR scanner and a built-in camera for navigation. It is taller than some of its competitors, which may limit its ability to clean under certain pieces of furniture. The device offers five levels of suction and power, and it can vacuum, mop, or perform both functions simultaneously. The mopping pad uses sonic vibration technology to deliver a scrubbing motion 3,000 times a minute, effectively removing ground-in dirt.

oborock S7 MaxV Ultra Design

The device also includes an on-board camera that allows you to monitor your home and interact with your pets. The docking station, while bulky, can clean the mopping pads, refill the water tank, and empty the dust canister, significantly reducing the level of maintenance required.

Advanced Features

  • Sonic Mopping Technology: One of the standout features of the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is its sonic mopping technology. Unlike many robot vacuums that simply drag a damp cloth across your floors, the S7 MaxV Ultra uses sonic vibration technology to deliver a scrubbing motion up to 3,000 times per minute. This allows it to effectively remove ground-in dirt and stains, offering a level of cleaning that’s more akin to traditional manual mopping.
  • Self-Emptying Dock: The self-emptying dock is another advanced feature that sets the S7 MaxV Ultra apart. This dock not only charges the robot vacuum but also automatically empties its dust canister and water tank. The dock can hold up to seven weeks’ worth of dirt and debris, significantly reducing the frequency of maintenance. Moreover, it also cleans the mopping pads and refills the water tank, providing a truly hands-off cleaning experience.
oborock S7 MaxV Ultra Dock
  • Intelligent Navigation and Mapping: The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is equipped with a LiDAR scanner and a built-in camera, which it uses to navigate around your home. This allows it to take a logical and efficient cleaning path, avoiding obstacles and ensuring it covers every accessible area. The device also stores a map of your home, which you can divide into different rooms and zones for targeted cleaning. This is particularly useful if you want to focus on specific areas that get dirty more quickly, like the kitchen or entryway.
oborock S7 MaxV Ultra Nav
  • On-Board Camera: The on-board camera serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it aids in navigation, helping the robot vacuum to avoid obstacles and navigate your home more efficiently. Secondly, it allows you to monitor your home remotely via the Roborock app. This can be useful for checking on your pets or just keeping an eye on your home while you’re away.
  • App Control and Smart Home Integration: The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra can be controlled via the Roborock app, which offers a range of features and settings. You can start or stop cleaning sessions, change the cleaning mode, adjust the suction level and scrubbing intensity, and view cleaning reports. The device is also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control it using voice commands.
  • Auto Carpet Boost: The S7 MaxV Ultra is smart enough to recognize when it’s cleaning a carpet and will automatically increase the suction power for a deeper clean. This ensures that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned without you having to manually adjust the settings.
oborock S7 MaxV Ultra Boost
  • Multi-Level Mapping: The S7 MaxV Ultra can store up to three different maps, making it an ideal choice for multi-level homes. This means you can use the robot vacuum to clean multiple floors of your house, with each floor having its own customized cleaning zones and no-go areas.


The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is a powerful vacuum that can collect fine dust and larger debris. It is also capable of mopping hard floors, thanks to its sonic vibration technology. The device takes a logical path around your home for efficient cleaning, and its Wi-Fi connectivity allows it to be controlled via an app.

The device is quiet when used on its lowest level of suction, but noise levels rise when it docks and empties its dust canister and water tank. The built-in camera allows you to monitor your home when you’re not around and interact with your pets.

App and Battery Life

The Roborock app is simple to use and allows you to change the cleaning mode, suction level, and scrubbing intensity. The device can store a map of your home, which you can split into different rooms and zones for focused cleaning. The battery lasts up to 180 minutes between charges in Quiet mode, and the device will return to the base station to recharge when the battery runs low.


The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is one of the most expensive robot vacuums on the market, with a price tag of $1,399 (Sometimes discounted on Amazon). However, given its extensive features and capabilities, the high price tag can be justified for those looking for a high-end, hands-off cleaning solution.


The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is a top-tier robot vacuum that offers a range of features and capabilities that set it apart from its competitors. Its ability to vacuum and mop, along with its self-emptying feature, make it a convenient and efficient cleaning solution. While it is on the expensive side, its performance and features justify the price for those who want a high-end, hands-off cleaning solution.

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Yes, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra can vacuum and mop simultaneously. It uses sonic mopping technology to deliver a scrubbing motion up to 3,000 times per minute while vacuuming.

The self-emptying dock automatically empties the robot vacuum's dust canister and water tank. It can hold up to seven weeks' worth of dirt and debris. The dock also cleans the mopping pads and refills the water tank.

Yes, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra can be controlled remotely via the Roborock app. The app allows you to start or stop cleaning sessions, change the cleaning mode, adjust the suction level and scrubbing intensity, and view cleaning reports.

Yes, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control it using voice commands.

The battery of the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra lasts up to 180 minutes between charges in Quiet mode. The device will return to the base station to recharge when the battery runs low.



Review Summary Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra receives a rating of 90. This high score reflects its superior performance, advanced features, and the convenience it offers. The deduction of points is primarily due to its high price point, which may not be within everyone's budget. However, for those who can afford it, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra provides a high-end, hands-off cleaning experience that justifies its cost.

Advanced Features
App and Battery Life

About The Author

Rob Pierce

I have been a tech nerd since 1982. I started as a computer technician repairing original IBM PCs. Things have changed a bit since those early days, but my love for tech has only grown stronger. Let's explore some tech!

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